Principle Investigator

Dr. Starly is Associate Professor in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at North Carolina State University
Binil Starly is currently appointed as a James T. Ryan Professor in the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University. His research and education interests include cyber-physical systems in manufacturing, decentralized manufacturing marketplaces and the study of Artificial Intelligence technologies in manufacturing applications. He earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 2006 from Drexel University, Philadelphia.
Doctoral Students

Geometric deep learning algorithms and knowledge graphs in design and manufacturing

Knowledge graphs in manufacturing systems

Aman works on building Knowledge graphs in manufacturing

Applications of AI in manufacturing
Master of Science Students

Undergraduate Research Students

Chase works on Manufacturing Automation

Tim is working on Mixed Reality 3D models in Manufacturing
Faculty and External Collaborators
NCSU Collaborators
Dr. Reha Uzsoy (ISE)
Dr. Rohan Shirwaiker (ISE)
Dr. Yuan Shin Lee (ISE)
Dr. Kemafor Ogan (CSC)
Dr. Paul Cohen (ISE)
Dr. Alessandra Scafuro (CSC)
External Collaborators
Dr. Yong Chen (USC - Los Angeles)
Dr. Chen Feng (NYU)
Dr. Louiqa Raschid (UMD - Business)
Dr. Daniele Panozzo (NYU - Comp Sci)
Dr. Shivakumar Raman (OU - Industrial Eng.)
Dr. Jay Pujara (USC-Information Sci. Institute)
Industry and Government Partners
Saint Gobain R&D North America
Atology, Inc.
GrabCAD (Stratasys) Inc.
ABER Instruments, UK
Lab Alumni
"The work in our laboratory would not have happened without the hardwork and excellent contributions from past students. We wish them the best and successful careers. I hope they serve as excellent role models for current and future students". - Dr Starly.