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FabWave - 3D Part Repository

Making 3D Product model data available on the web. This dataset, the first of its kind is intended to spur innovations in product design and manufacturing research, including AI based techniques and analytical methods. Over the next 2yrs, we will continuously grow this dataset to make it the largest available feature rich part dataset freely available.

Please contact us if you would like to add your own 3D CAD dataset to the collection. If you would like to see specific categories of 3D Product data, we would love to hear from you.

100,000 CAD Models
> 100GB Data
.STEP, .STL, .f3D Format
>45 Part Categories

If you would like access to the repository, please submit the form below. Be sure to include organization and a brief message as to how you plan to use the dataset. We will then send you a link to allow you to download the entire dataset.

If you would like to add your own dataset to the collection, please contact us. All data will be made publicly available and source will be attributed to their original creators. Share feedback and comments as to how we  can add a richer dataset to the collection.

Send form below to access dataset.

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Funded by the US National Science Foundation

NSF CESER: A Pilot Manufacturing Cyberinfrastructure for Shareable Access to Information Rich Product Manufacturing Data. (LINK)

North Carolina State University PI: Binil Starly (

University of Southern California PI: Yong Chen (

3D Part Credits (Individual Publishers and Organizers)

GrabCAD Community Public Folders

Students of NCSU ISE 589 Smart Manufacturing Course

DIME Lab Team Members

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