Courses Offered by Dr. Starly (updated Fall 2021)
ISE 435/535: Python for Numerical & Scientific Computing
The objective of this course is to build on your knowledge of computing and data analysis by focusing on programming using the Python language. IN particular, you will learn more about the Python and its ecosystem of libraries, how to use data structures in Python programs, conduct File I/O operations, and perform numerical and scientific computing within Python. This course is designed for senior undergraduate and graduate students to learn the essentials of the Python language and write programs to perform scientific computing with Python with two of its most popular packages in use for heavy data intensive analysis – Numpy and SciPy. Several engineering examples from physics, industrial engineering core courses and general engineering will be used to contextualize the programming examples.
ISE 725: Foundations of Smart Manufacturing
This course is intended to introduce what makes manufacturing machines ‘smart’ within the realm of ‘smart manufacturing’. It introduces some of the key fundamental knowledge necessary to implement ‘smart manufacturing’ within factory floors. This includes machine communication protocols from PLCs to servers, from the edge device to the cloud. It includes storing this data in databases that can handle data streams. Once this sensor data (from temperature to accelerometer or even still images) are stored, analysis of the time-series data and image data enable factories to be ‘monitored’ and for quality inspection. All of the concepts and practical implementation will be brought together while working with Raspberry PI – which is affectionately called as ‘Raspi’. It will have temperature, accelerometer and a camera to mimic a basic manufacturing machine. While ‘smart manufacturing’ can contain a number of enabling technology platforms – this course particularly focuses on the information technology/computing aspects within a ‘smart’ factory.
ISE555: Digital Manufacturing
This course deals with gaining and understanding of digital manufacturing technologies - particularly CAD/CAM, intelligent manufacturing, and how data can be used to improve the product life cycle beginning from conceptual idea to manufacturing and to end-of-life disposal. Students work to build design and manufacturing simulation models in Autodesk Fusion 360 - an integrated CAD/CAM tool. Students will also build app that help automate the design workflow through Fusion 360 Python based API tools.